Senin, 31 Januari 2011

ENDS spirits swallowed FORMULAS

Sun burn atmosphere
In tune with my body movement
Move, run, do whatever I want

Along with my spirit
There was a jolly laugh and my friends
Further adds to the excitement at that time my mood
I have wings like Eagles
And I fly around the universe.

But immediately, it became extinct Wings
Lost without trace
Until I finally terjatu and slumped
Weak and powerless

Behind my body limp pile formulas
My endless digested

The clock ticking very slowly
Along with the evolution of the earth's motion
Slow. . And very slow. .

Now there was no more spirit
No more carefree laughter that
Replaced with a miserable life
Want to go away soon

My thoughts continued to focus on one direction


My body is petite
Various forms of my body
Color me a wide range

So many of my fans
Both young and old

Every day I'm hard
But make an attempt to be addicted. .

But, now I'm sad
Because I,,
Many people live to be destroyed
Because I,,
Many people are caught up in bars

Never try me
Because I can damage
Your future

Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

How Fast Calling Wife

A young man looked confused in the middle
an exhibition. Several times he was pacing and
looked around not found what it sought. View
confusion this guy, security guard approached and even
ask what they need.

The man: "I am looking for a wife I'm the last joint
I keep missing in the middle of this exhibition, sir. "

Security guard: "Characteristics how, I'll help you find?"

The man: "Thank you, if you can help I
swatch a beautiful young woman to
with I. "

Security guard: "But why, instead of you looking for your wife?"

The man: "Yeah that's why I asked for a woman
young, lovely to chat with me because usually
My wife will come out of nowhere when she sees me
close to a beautiful woman "

Security guard: "???!?"


Jumat, 14 Januari 2011


demonstrated maturity of a positive attitude and has strong principles and perpendicular looked far ahead and only once so do not look back once in a while we forget ourselves with all that we reach

we really should not be looking at something ugly with others, but we must always be positive and "remember" everything can be changed if we have the will to change it

life is always full of beauty if we understand the meaning given that deselipkan life in every story of life in which we live

love is the happiness of all people, and must bebe maintained

Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

Breaking Dawn(ringkas cerita)

Bella dan Edward menikah, tapi bulan madu mereka terpotong setelah Bella mengetahui bahwa dirinya hamil. Kehamilannya berjalan amat cepat dan membuat Bella menjadi lemah. Ia hampir meninggal saat melahirkan putrinya yang setengah manusia dan setengah vampir, Renesmee(diambil dari nama Renee dan Esme), tetapi Edward menyuntikkan racunnya langsung ke jantung Bella sehingga berubah menjadi seorang vampir. Irina, vampir dari clan Denali tanpa sengaja melihat Renesmee dan Jakob saat dia berada di Forks. Lalu ia pun menyangka Renesmee sebagai "immortal child"--anak yang diciptakan oleh vampir.( Dalam dunia vampir, penciptaan anak-anak vampir sangat dilarang demi menjaga kerahasiaan mereka ). Kemudian Irina melaporkan hal tersebut langsung kepada Klan Volturi. Merasa was-was, Keluarga Cullen pun mengumpulkan vampir-vampir yang dapat menjadi saksi bahwa Reneesme bukan "immortal child". Berkat daya tarik Renesmee yang membuat semua vampir terpikat dan didukung dengan kemampuannya memperlihatkan semua yang ia alami hanya dengan menyentuh, maka mereka (para saksi) pun mengerti dan mau mendukung keluarga Cullen. Selain itu, sebagian dari mereka rela bertarung di pihak Cullen kalau diperlukan. Alice yang pergi bersama dengan Jasper pun kembali tepat pada saat Klan Voltury mulai menyerang Keluarga Cullen dan saksi-saksinya. Ia membawa bukti hidup keberadaan vampir sejenis Renesmee. Disaat yang sama, kekuatan Bella sebagai perisai adalah penolong kelompok Cullen karena menangkis segala serangan yang dilancarkan oleh Jane dan Alec. Dengan bukti hidup itulah keluarga Cullen dibebaskan dan hidup tenteram selama-lamanya.

Dalam novel ini sudut pandang sempat beralih kepada sudut pandang Jacob, yang menceritakan bagaimana kehidupan Jacob saat menemani Bella yang sedang sekarat dan bagaimana dia bernafsu membunuh Renesmee yang menurut Jacob telah membunuh Bella tetapi akhirnya Jacob malah mencintai Renesmee dan melindunginya mati-matian

Rabu, 05 Januari 2011

preparation justinbieber

After appearing as a guest star series CSI (Crime Scene Investigation), now Justin Bieber playing on the big screen in a 3D movie which will release in February next year.

Paramount Pictures will release 3D film biography, which tells about the life of Justin. Bieber will play a role as himself in the movie.

In the film which will be made semi-documentary will feature videos of backstage footage from the concert tour, My World 2.0 and the concert will be held at Madison Square Garden, 31 August.

Fame as a singer Justin Bieber American teens keep a unique story. Originally, Justin Bieber just an ordinary person and not a nobody. Justin Bieber's mother saw her talent in singing and fun to upload videos to YouTube sites in 2008.

Luck comes when an artist manager named Scooter Braun singer Usher view videos and Justin Bieber invited to participate in the recording. As seen today, Justin Bieber became iconic teen idol singer who loved girls around the world.

The film, reportedly titled "Never Say Never" not only tells about the life of Justin, but also will include footage Bieber's current tour.

The film is fully dedicated to the fans Justin Bieber, and this is not just a film biography and regular concerts.

"This is a movie for his fans, a movie for people who do not know him, and we will reveal from where Justin Bieber came from,"explained director of Step Up Step Up 2 and 3, John Chu, who also directed this film.

Justin Bieber 3D movie is planned to be released February 14, 2011 to welcome the Valentine's Day.

love poems to her devotee

shadow man

I laughed
whether there is anything with

I like love
a man who has always been
shadow in my life

he was there but could not
kugapai, he smiled
I will feel flying

because he has made
wake up from adversity

and now without me knowing
he has filled my heart space
The most important

therefore I call him
shadow man who brought
love me

Minggu, 02 Januari 2011

poetry for the devotee

True love

language is the language
me, your love is always making me
happy all the time

until now I still
Just sing, for
so I can see
pigeons flying

You can see the moon
but I chose to become
your heart star

how long this story,
I will not know,
that made me love
thirst for yourself

time goes
and forever
I still will choose you
